Monday, May 9, 2016


今早在屋裡忽然聽到院子傳來轟隆隆的聲響,赫然發現有一大個兒正在除我們家的草!我連忙衝出去阻止他,大喊「Excuse me! Excuse me!」可是割草機聲音太大,等他轉過身來,沿著花圃邊緣的草已經光禿禿了。


明明交待過不要來我們這戶除草的,看來還是要立一個告示牌:Keep Off The Grass!

上 Vancouver Craigslist 二手買賣網,看看有沒有人在賣此類告示牌,結果搜索 「keep off the grass」,竟然出現賣鴨子的廣告!

Very cute and healthy Muscovy baby ducklings - hatched on April 25 and April 28.$8 for each duckling. 

Muscovy ducks prefer to feed on slugs, mosquitoes, flies, and any other insects. They do not damage your garden or flower beds, as they do not eat much of leafy greens, unlike other duck breeds. They do eat grass and can keep your lawn neatly trimmed and fertilized. Excellent for slug and mosquito control! 

If given enough space, they will feed themselves off the land. If on a limited space, you will have to supplement them with duck or turkey starter feed (they need higher protein than chickens). 

Muscovy ducks do not quack, they are very quiet ducks. They do not need much water either, only enough to take a daily bath. They are not swimming ducks.


賣家文中介紹說這種 Muscovy ducks 不但會吃花園裡最討厭的水蛭和蚊蠅,還會幫忙把草吃的整整齊齊的!這樣就不用割草了耶!而且牠也不會亂吃其他花葉植物,也不需要游泳,只要準備一點水每天洗個澡就好。還有,據說 Muscovy ducks 很安靜,不會呱呱叫擾人清靜。


不過,Muscovy ducks 到底是什麼品種?讓我查查維基百科。

原來,Muscovy duck 的中文是疣鼻棲鴨,俗稱麝香鴨、紅面鴨、番鴨。


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